Create Account

Privacy Statement

Comcare collects your personal information when you register to apply for a position. Your Personal information will be handled, used and managed in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APP’s) as outlined in the Privacy Act 1988.  Your information is used by Comcare for recruitment and selection processes relating to your employment or potential employment.  Comcare will not disclose the information to persons, who are not involved in managing Comcare’s recruitment and selection processes, without your consent except where authorised or required by law. 


I acknowledge and agree that:

I have read and understand the above Privacy Statement; and

The information provided is true, accurate; and

I consent to the use of my Personal Information for the purposes outlined.


By checking the box, you agree to the terms of the Privacy Statement and wish to continue.

Login Details

Your email address will be used as your username.

  • Password minimum length is 8 characters
  • Password must contain a minimum of 1 uppercase characters
  • Password must contain a minimum of 1 lowercase characters
  • Password must contain a minimum of 1 numeric characters
Personal Details
Valid format(s) are ## #### #### or #### ### ### or ##########
Eligibility Questionnaire
Are you an Australian Citizen?

If NO, have you applied for citizenship?

Are you an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person?

What is your first language?

What is your highest education level?