This site is operated in compliance with the Government of South Australia's information privacy principles (IPPs).
System administrators are required to protect and handle your personal information in accordance with the IPPs.
Your personal information will not be disclosed to a third party except in accordance with the IPPs.
You should note that there are inherent risks associated with transmission of information via the Internet. You should make your own assessment of the potential risks to the security of your information when making a decision as to whether or not you should utilise this site.
Your email address will be used as your username.
Are you an Australian or New Zealand citizen, a permanent resident of Australia, or do you hold a current visa allowing you to work in Australia?
Have you received a voluntary separation package from employment in the South Australian Public Sector within the last 12 months?
Your response may make you ineligible to apply for this role. If this is the case a HR Team member will be in touch with you to seek further information.
Have you been politically active or had an association with a political party or candidate within the past three years?
Do you intend to be politically active or associate with a political party or candidate during the period of work employment?
Have you participated in social media political messaging/commentary in the past three years?
Do you intend to participate in social media political messaging/commentary during the period of work employment?
Are you subject to criminal charges still pending in a court?
Have you been found guilty of a criminal offence in the past ten years?
Do you have any actual or potential conflicts of interest, whether real or perceived?
Do you have any actual or perceived conflicts of interest arising from patronage or nepotism?
Have you read and understood ECSA's Values and agree to abide by the Expectations of an Electoral Officer should you be offered employment?
A copy of ECSA's Values and Expectations of an Electoral Officer is at this link.
Have you read and understood and agree to abide by the principles contained in the Code of Conduct for Electoral Officers if an offer of employment is made?
A copy of the Code of Conduct for Electoral Officers is at this link.
Do you consent to undergo a criminal history check and/or character check should it be a special condition of any role you may be offered?
Please note that if you are offered a role that requires a satisfactory criminal history check, and you have not consented, you will be ineligible to accept that role and the offer will be withdrawn.
Do you acknowledge that by completing a registration of interest, there is no guarantee you will receive an offer of employment?
ECSA collects voluntary disclosures of vaccination status against COVID-19. Please select your vaccination status from the dropdown list.
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