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Privacy Statement

Data Privacy Policy Statement for Candidates Applying to COBLH


At COBLH, safeguarding your privacy and confidentiality during the recruitment process is paramount. This statement outlines our commitment to protecting your personal information, why we collect it, what we collect, how we handle it, and who we may disclose it to outside of COBLH. We also extend this commitment to our patients and visitors.

Types of Personal Information Collected:

Throughout the recruitment process, we collect various types of personal information, including but not limited to:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Contact Details
  • Employment History
  • Education and Qualifications
  • Credentialing
  • Professional Registrations, Licenses, and Memberships
  • Referee Details and Reference Notes
  • Results of Aptitude and Psychometric Tests
  • Right to Work Documentation
  • Police and Working with Children Checks
  • Immunisation Records

If you provide personal information about someone else, you must obtain their consent based on this privacy policy.

How Personal Information is Collected and Held:

We collect your personal information through various channels, including application forms, CVs, cover letters, documented telephone calls, interview notes, written correspondence, and publicly available sources. Additionally, we may gather information from third parties when conducting references or other checks. 

Data Security:

COBLH employs a comprehensive range of measures, including people, process, and technology controls, to ensure the security of your personal information. We store this information securely to prevent unauthorised access, loss, disclosure, or misuse.

Purposes for Handling and Sharing Personal Information:

The candidate information collected by COBLH is used solely for the specific purpose for which it is required, or for directly related purposes, such as determining eligibility for initial employment and verifying references and qualifications. We adhere to the New South Wales Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1988 and do not disclose or publish information that identifies individuals without consent.

Exceptions to the Rule:

There are limited circumstances where COBLH may utilise information beyond the stated purposes, including:

  1. Unauthorised access attempts to files not publicly available on COBLH webpages.
  2. Unauthorised tampering or interference with published files on the website.
  3. Attempts to intercept communications of other users.
  4. Communications containing defamation, abuse, vilification, or suspicions of criminal activity.
  5. Attempts to compromise security, breach state or federal laws, or disrupt website usage.

By engaging in our recruitment process, you acknowledge and consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy.

Policy Updates

This policy may be modified or expanded when new developments/issues arise. In an event of an update, the effective date of amendment to the policy will be the date that it is posted to the site.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy statement, please contact us at

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Your email address will be used as your username.

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Eligibility Questionnaire

Are you an Australian resident?


Do you have the right to work in Australia?

Do you have any existing medical conditions that may impact your ability to perform the role?

Are you willing to undergo pre-employment checks that are required by COBLH?

Are you willing to undergo a national police check for pre-employment and safety screening purposes?